Why to Uninstall Chinese Apps? which apps to be removed from your mobile? Watch Before You Read this Blog Download Remove China App from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.chinaappsremover In this 2020 year, China is trying take over world economy in this corona virus crisis. By investing in many countries by taking over their companies to gain control, to manipulate that country economy to gain power. Remove This Most popular Chinese apps Social content platforms: Helo and SHAREit Entertainment and short video apps: TikTok, LIKE, and Kwai Web browser apps: UCBrowser and UCBrowser Mini Video and live streaming apps: LiveMe, Bigo Live, and Vigo Video Utility applications: BeautyPlus, Xender and Cam Scanner Gaming apps and software: PUBG, Clash of Kings, Mobile Legends E-commerce applications: ClubFactory, Shein, and Romwe Uninstall This Top 25 Chinese Apps Helo SHAREit TikTok LIKE Kwai UCBrowser UCBrowser Mini LiveMe Bigo Live Vigo Video Beau...